
There are two steps to registration: first, you will need to confirm your e-mail address and then, second, you will need to be approved by the board.

Information that you provide is not publicly viewable and we will not use it for anything but Hallmark Estates business

  • Name

  • Minimum length of 8 characters.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Strong
    Strength indicator
  • (403)555-1234
  • Unit that you own or live in. If more than one applies, please include all separated by a commas. ex. 304, 501
    Please indicate if you are an owner or a renter.
    Please indicate if you do not live in the building (if for example you are an off-site owner).
  • Upload If you'd like you can upload a photo or icon to represent yourself on the site. It will appear beside comments that you make.

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